Sunday, September 30, 2035 "Introducing Gemona and Gemane - engine mechanics of the Couth Lizzard" by Billy Boren

Sunday, September 30, 2035 

Repair people 
-Gemona & Gemane Terranissimo. Male twins. They constantly argue while cooking, fixing stuff and playing games, but constantly use each other's ideas too. They are from the Geminista system which has two suns and two inhabited planets.  

On Geminista, arguing is viewed as a dance rather than a fight. People argue together to exercise their brains, learn new knowledge and recreate their environment. You only lose an argument when you lose your arguing partner. 
On Gemono people predict the future as a hobby.  

Gemona and Gemone won a contest where they predicted the development of propulsion technology. They were 99.02% correct in their predictions.  
They were nicknamed "The Rarely Wrong Team," because no one had predicted that accurately in the contest before.

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