Billy Boren's Blog September 14, 2015


This ministory is based on Ms MariLyn Stalter's writing prompt
"The Earth is just a space ship, the crew is just waking up" from 09/12/25
  • Earth was seeded by the Gronigals 200 quadrillion years ago or 200 to the 25th power.
  • They sent magnetic poles designed to attract the debris needed to form a planetoid, heat up a core and warm a planetoid to a minimum of -30 degrees all year round. On May 1, 2015 the lowest temperatureon earth reached. 200q years ago Earth was in undeveloped space. 
     This process was expected to take 500,000 years. Or three Gronigal generations travelling. The hatching of Gronigal eggs required a consistent planetary temperature of ... for 75 percent of the time. The 
The temperature needed to be consistent. And magnetic poles had to be installed in order for the planet to communicate from the Ursan system.
The Gronigals became extinct from 123,345,678,987,654,321 years ago...