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"Art @ Work" Comic Strip :) #12 -/- #10 +|+ I Work In A Building That They're Goona Knock Down" Issue 1 of Maga Zine featuring Art@Work in the year 2031
Immigration is a Human Right Immigration is a right, people should not have to fight. For the right to work and play, where the jobs are today I Statements I am, I can, I do, I don't, I go, I stop, I will, I won't I Want Equality For Step Parents in Divorces Because step parents do the same job as parents do. Do All Lives (Really) Matter in America Do all lives matter if Black lives don't matter to the police. I Propose that the State of Washington Promote Substitututes Substitutes do every job that certified teachers do at some point. And they a variety of them. Unequal Access to Education in the USA The story of Brown V Board of Education Topeka Kansas. I Want You To Remember Ali Ismaeel Abbas" Iraqi civillian who survived an aerial bombing by the United States in Gulf War II. I Ride My Bicycle One of my favorite songs to sing :-)

My Cadillac Don't Run No More

A Story About My Former Next Door Neighbor's Car. Thoughts on Abuse and Songs About it Too A collection of notes and observations.
View my pictures of Mount Tahoma, Lake Wapato, Tacoma, WA,, Foss Waterway
Tap Dance Lessons

with Paulette Caroline Wolf

"The Shim Sham"
Paulette DeRooy Wolf on tap shoes
from Greg Spence Wolf on Vimeo.

Cooperatives that I would like to start:
Start a worker owned art, publishing and performing arts cooperative that 
performs or creates recordings, movies, novels, books, comic books and magazines together. 

Provide live and online platforms for the artists to show, distribute or sell 
their performances. 

Create a worker-artist owned fictional universe for the characters created and 
owned by independent artists. 

Start a worker owned restaurant, cafe, brewery, food production and distribution 
company. Workers could grow, produce and sell commercial food products at outdoor markets and online. 

Products that could be made and sold on a local basis include baked goods, bread, cookies, salsa and canned goods. 

Start a worker owned health care facility that provides urgent care. 

Start a worker owned clothing manufacturer and retailer. 

Start a worker owned storefront to sell the products made by the worker owned manufacturers.   

Coronavirus testing sites:


UPDATED 11/27/2020

Past Events


December 28, 2019

I got married

To Paulette Caroline DeRooy (Wolf)
At the C&P Coffeehouse.
Paulette and Greg